Wednesday, February 17, 2010

So the Journey Begins

Apart from my What's New ramblings at, this is my first official blog. As you might be able to discern from my first website, my favorite dichotomy is the fusion of chaos and order. The haircut in my profile photo is a manifestation of this most practical dichotomy. It is neat and orderly, yet topped by random spikes of no particular fashion. My original goal for the GivisVortex was to post interesting features to entertain family and friends, and for a while it was so much fun. My creativity was nurtured by my desire to learn about how websites work and how they are constructed. In the process, became the birthplace of my online presence. There are a great number of precious bits from my life in there, and so it must somehow be preserved like a family photo album.

To create it I had to apply the website construction technologies that existed back then in circa'98. That consisted of HTML, various scripting languages, DHTML, Java, and of course FTP (File Transfer Protocol). Using these tools, I was able to assemble my ideas that germinated from a myriad of sources, but mostly family and my work. But in the midst of all this I became involved in something so important and meaningful in my life, that I had to put the Givis
Vortex on the "back-burner" indefinitely. That was the responsibilities and challenges that come from being a very busy father in a dynamic American household. This is of course a most common situation, but it requires the mastery of that most challenging dichotomy, the balance of chaos and order.

The world is filled with fabulous dichotomies that makes life so interesting. The strugle between good and evil, the contrast of wealth and poverty in our great cities, beauty beside ugliness, and our finite presence in an infinite universe. Without these our existence would no doubt be the most mundane of all manifestations.